No guardar tus sueteres todavia, ha sido un verano fresco hasta el momento. Aqui estoy usando un sueter de gran tamano de Urban Outfitters. El sueter que me mantiene caliente y la manera cae sobre mis hombros, resulta muy elegante.
Don't put your sweaters away just yet, it has been a cool summer so far. Here I am wearing a oversized sweater from Urban Outfitters. The sweater keeps me warm and the way it falls on my shoulders makes it very stylish.
The skirt is from Forever21 and the shoes are from Urban Outfitters.
The color palette of this outfit is black, grey, and white! It is a soft, elegant, comfortable outfit, perfect for a night out!
la falda es de Forever21 y los zapatos son de Urban Outfitters. La paleta de colors de este traje es de color negra, gris y blanco. Es un traje suave, elegante, comodo, perfecto para una noche!